Sunday 26 September 2010

Analysis of a Music Video
This video is called "Calvin Harris - Ready For The Weekend"

Calvin Harris
In this video I will analyse four key concepts; narrative, genre, media language and representation. Calvin Harris is represented as the decently dressed ordinary guy. He participates in the video, however his lyrics form no connection to the actual video itself. The song itself is an exciting song and the video further adds to the exciting tone with the use of bright colour schemes and creative wacky editing.

This video has a linear structure in which it goes right through without any flashbacks . The structure is clear as it starts with Calvin Harris standing on the embankment; the middle is quite clear and it ends with him stopping the music. There is also plenty cause and effect shots but with the help of plenty creative editing.  The video has no connection whatsoever to the lyrics. However the presentation and use of editing, colours and quick cuts work well with the structure and genre of the song.

This type of song would be classed as pop/electro-pop genre. The tempo, use of sound effects and the keyboard in the song make it classed in the electro-pop genre. From the video point of view, the use of bright colours and well presentation of the artist gives the 'popular' genre look to it.

Media Language
 There is plenty of creative editing in this video, with even paced cuts that go in time with the beat of the song. They make plenty of good use of 'green screen' to change the colour scheme throughout this vibrant song, which went very well.
Calvin Harris - Ready for the weekend
This gave it a exciting and fun look to the song and therefore this proves that the video is conventional to the electro-pop genre. The use of all these aspects is similar to another electro-pop video called "Kid Cudi - Day 'n' Night."

The representation of this song focuses highly on gender. The video represents the male singer in a typical conventional way as the stud surrounded by young revealing females. The presentation of women is seen in just one form of revealing dancers and nothing else. This is further pushed when the main female singer of the chorus is not even shown or represented once in the video and rather is replaced by models just dancing. There is also proof of the females bodies being dismembered and focusing on body parts such as the legs.

 It shares some similarities with other conventional electro-pop videos such as "Kid Cudi vs Crookers - Day 'n' Night." The representation of women is typical in this genre and in these two video's we have shots of the male singer standing in the middle of two female models. This shows proof of body dismemberment and the general patterns of shown in electro-pop videos.
Cudi vs Crookers - Day 'n' Night" 
Calvin Harris - Ready for the weekend

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