Friday 3 December 2010

Analysis of three digipaks and three advertisments- research

Lady GaGa - The Fame Monster
Front Cover

The mid shot of GaGa is centered. This image of her has her hair styled to look a bit tousled and make up perfectly smudged to make the image dynamic. The text compliments the grey scale of the image. The warning label and capital letters make it appeal to those who shouldn't have it.
Inside Panels

The colour scheme is followed to the inside of the digipack. The image is taken at the samed distance creating another mid shot but this is more daring as she is wearing less clothes as though once you listen to her music you know her. The image would appeal mainly appeal to teenagers because it's daring and this is not the norm for a pop singer as they are seen as role models.

                                                                               Back Cover

The back cover is somewhat different to the other panels as there is actual colour in the image yet the background still allows it to complete the digipack. The image is a close up which is generally the type of shot seen on the front of an album.
The cover also has the typical conventions bar code, producers,track listing, website etc.However, the layout is more like that of a front cover as well with the text being small for the track listings.

This advert links to the digipack as the colour scheme used (grey scale) is the same as well as the font size. The images are also repeated. The information is relevant and to the point.


 Front Cover

This cover has the typical conventions of a pop artist as the central focus is the artist and it is a close up of her face. The saturation of the image itself contrasts well with her lips and the text. The artist is shown with the perfect face and slightly tousled hair much like Lady GaGa's. The placement of the text fits the image well and the colours give the cover a nice contrast. The glittery text is also very eye-catching.
                                                         Inside Panels

These panels just emanate the idea of a fun time as the the background is dark and the text is very bright almost mimicking a party scene. The text interlinks to the text on the first cover and the decoration although simple is just enough.

                                                                                  Back Cover 
The layout of this cover is different to that of others in the respect that the bar code would normally be at the bottom with the producers and excess information. The text and colour scheme are carried throughout the other panels and therefore link well. However, we are now met with an image of animated animals that are glittery but this relates to the title of the album.
  This advert as a typical link between the entire promotional package features an image of ke$ha with similar hair and make up with the same font. There is more saturation with this image to match the text which again promotes the idea of fun and carelessness.
Once again the writing is coherent and relevant.


Alicia Keys- Greatest Hits 
Front Cover
 This image was clearly well thought of and planned as there is subsequent space for the text to make it look as though she is looking down on her name. The trendy outfit and make up make it of the r n b genre. the colour scheme is very neutral with just a splash of colour added by the lips.
Inside Panels

These images are much more sexualised but also well planned especially the thank you's as she is set aside with the mentions on the other side.The neutral colour scheme is carried through by her clothes  back drop and font colour.

 Back Cover

This is another well planned panel with thought to where the track listing would go and the additional producer and website information. The colour scheme is neutral again making some of the text a little hard to read but the track listing layout is similar to that of Ke$ha's.
This advertisment only promotes one song featured on this album and despite having a different colour scheme is linked to the album via the font style and the shot type.

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